Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Priscilla Shirer (One in a Million) Bible study

                                                              Romans 8:18 
                                           I consider that our present sufferings
                                                   are not worth comparing
                                          with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Sorry to say that I missed the first week of this new Bible study series.  I had the important task of spending quality time with our granddaughter. 

So, we picked up today in Exodus 13:17, where Pharaoh had let the people go. Can you image if  those people had a GPS to tell them the shortest and easiest route to take?  But God chose to send them through the wilderness.

Our journey through the wilderness can be any situation where we might want to ask God... "Why?"  We are now in a position to trust God's power operating through us.  You see miracles clearer when you are in an impossible situation.

My friend, Pam, spoke today about her journey through the wilderness.  She is an inspiration to others and is a shining light in this sometimes dark world.  My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult journey.

                                                                Romans 8:28
                                                  And we know that in all things
                                           God works for the good of those who love him,
                                           who have been called according to his purpose.

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